GeoNode 1.0-RC3 Notable changes since RC2 include: * Avoid leaving 'dangling' layer records in Django database after failed upload attempts. * Support alternative SRIDs for "web mercator" projection to allow better interoperability with 3rd-party WMS services.
GeoNode 1.0-RC2 Notable changes since RC1 include: * Correcting a critical issue affecting GeoNetwork, search results, and layer detail pages. Systems affected by this issue have invalid metadata in the Django database, so administrators upgrading pre-existing deployments should use the "django-admin.py updatelayers" tool to automatically correct the erroneous records. * Correcting an issue with the default styles for uploaded raster layers, which prevented multi-band raster data from being rendered in GeoNode maps. * Deployment documentation for Ubuntu and CentOS systems is now available in the release bundle, as well as online at http://docs.geonode.org/